Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog Assignment 5A - Reimagining Visual Framing

I chose to do this picture because I have always been a fan of Salvador Dalí, and I don't think I have ever seen this painting before this class. I also find that it has a good feeling of creepiness and uses space well, which I why I used it for some of the previous projects as well. The picture makes good use of lines. They draw the viewer's eye towards the eye, emphasizing it even further next to the empty space of the scenery. Dalí also makes use of depth by putting a mountain in the background to show that the eye is close. I zoomed in on the eye in the picture to make it into more of a close up of the floating eye rather than the wide shot that Salvador Dalí used, which gets rid of some of the space in the picture, as the original painting was the mostly empty space of the background. In the one I reframed, the eye is up close up, but there is still the deep space in picture. If you look at the original image and compare it to the reframed one, it looks like the eye has moved forward towards the camera, adding to the ominous feel. Dalí uses the Rule of Thirds and puts the eye and the mountain on the left side of the picture. I kept the mountain on the left side of the picture, but with my reframing I set the eye onto the right side to emphasize it more using the Rule of Thirds. I think the reason why he framed it how it was originally was to show the desolation of the landscape in the background, thus bringing the floating eye into the focus of the viewer and making it rather creepy.

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